.. _run-production: Running in production ##################### *Kinto* is a standard Python application. Recommended settings for production are listed below. Some :ref:`general insights about deployment strategies ` are also provided. Because we use it for most of our deploys, *PostgreSQL* is the recommended backend for production. .. _postgresql-install: Install and setup PostgreSQL ============================ (*requires PostgreSQL 9.5 or higher*). *Kinto* dependencies do not include *PostgreSQL* tooling and drivers by default, which should be installed and configured before proceeding to the next steps. More information is available at the `PostgreSQL Documentation `_. PostgreSQL client ----------------- Before installing the Python libraries for PostgreSQL we need to first install the header files for the PostgreSQL database backend. On Debian / Ubuntu based systems:: $ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev On RedHat / Fedora / Mint based systems:: $ yum install postgresql-devel On MacOS:: $ brew install postgresql See also `install a server or use port `_. Install PostgreSQL Python Dependencies -------------------------------------- Kinto PostgreSQL backends rely on specific Python packages (like `SQLAlchemy `_ and `psycopg2 `_), which can be installed with a single *pip* command :: $ pip install -U kinto[postgresql] Run a PostgreSQL server ----------------------- The instructions to run a local PostgreSQL database are out of scope here. A detailed guide is `available on the Kinto Wiki `_. Database setup -------------- *Kinto* default database name is set to ``postgres`` on ``localhost:5432``. To change it refer to `Creating a configuration file`_. To create a specific database: .. code-block:: sql CREATE DATABASE dbname WITH ENCODING UTF8; By default *Kinto* uses *UTC timezone*, so make sure that the assigned database for kinto is set to UTC with: .. code-block:: sql ALTER DATABASE dbname SET TIMEZONE TO UTC; Privileges basics ----------------- *Kinto* default user is set to ``postgres`` with password ``postgres``. To change that refer to `Creating a configuration file`_. In order to initialize the database tables and objects, the specified user must have some privileges. For example, to create a user from scratch: .. code-block:: sql CREATE USER dbuser WITH PASSWORD 'dbpassword'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE dbname TO dbuser; For a read-only setup, it is possible to define a user that only has the privilege to read the tables: .. code-block:: sql CREATE USER dbuser WITH PASSWORD 'dbpassword'; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO dbuser; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO dbuser; In this case, you should use the ``kinto.readonly`` setting to tell Kinto that the database is read-only. Even if the stack is read-only, some internal values like authentication tokens may still be to be stored in cache. If the cache backend is configured to use PostgreSQL, then write operations still must be granted on the ``cache`` table: .. code-block:: sql GRANT UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE ON cache TO dbuser; Also, in future versions of Kinto, some new tables may be created. It is possible to change the default privileges to allow reading the future tables: .. code-block:: sql ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO dbuser; Creating a configuration file ----------------------------- Once a PostgreSQL is up and running somewhere, you should edit your configuration file or create a new one with the ``init`` command and select the PostgreSQL option. The file is created by default as ``config/kinto.ini``, to specify another filename use the ``--ini`` parameter. .. code-block:: bash $ kinto init --ini production.ini Select your database server address, name and user by editing the configuration file. Also make sure that the PostgreSQL :ref:`backend settings` are selected. For our example, the backend configuration would be: .. code-block:: python kinto.storage_backend = kinto.core.storage.postgresql kinto.storage_url = postgresql://dbuser:dbpassword@localhost/dbname kinto.cache_backend = kinto.core.cache.postgresql kinto.cache_url = postgresql://dbuser:dbpassword@localhost/dbname kinto.permission_backend = kinto.core.permission.postgresql kinto.permission_url = postgresql://dbuser:dbpassword@localhost/dbname Creating tables and indices --------------------------- The last step consists in creating the necessary tables and indices, run the ``migrate`` command: .. code-block:: bash $ kinto migrate --ini production.ini .. important:: You should run ``migrate`` every time you change the configuration file or kinto is upgraded. .. note:: Alternatively the SQL initialization files can be found in the *Kinto* `source `_. Production checklist ==================== Recommended settings -------------------- Most default setting values in the application code base are suitable for production. Also, the set of settings mentionned below might deserve some review or adjustments: .. code-block :: ini kinto.http_scheme = https kinto.paginate_by = 100 kinto.batch_max_requests = 25 kinto.storage_pool_size = 50 kinto.cache_pool_size = 50 kinto.permission_pool_size = 50 fxa-oauth.cache_ttl_seconds = 3600 .. note:: For an exhaustive list of available settings and their default values, refer to the *Kinto* `source code `_. By default, nobody can read buckets list. You can change that using: .. code-block :: ini kinto.bucket_read_principals = system.Authenticated Beware that if you do so, everyone will be able to list bucket information (including user's personal buckets). Handling CDN ------------ If you want to put your Kinto behind a CDN you must make sure to define the right host or you will leak the main server host. .. code-block:: ini kinto.http_host = cdn.firefox.com You can make sure your service is correctly configured by looking at the service URL returned on the service home page. It should be your CDN service URL. It might also be relevant to set your main server :ref:`as readonly `. In the configuration of the CDN service, you should also: - Allow ``OPTIONS`` requests (CORS) - Pass through cache and concurrency control headers: ``ETag``, ``Last-Modified``, ``Expire`` - Pass through pagination header: ``Next-Page`` - Cached responses should depend on querystring parameters (e.g. try with different ``?_limit=`` values) Monitoring ---------- In order to enable monitoring features like *statsd*, install extra requirements: :: make install-monitoring And configure its URL: .. code-block :: ini # StatsD kinto.statsd_url = udp://carbon.server:8125 Counters :::::::: .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Description" :widths: 10, 100 "``users``", "Number of unique user IDs." "``authn_type.basicauth``", "Number of basic authentication requests" "``authn_type.fxa``", "Number of FxA authentications" Timers :::::: .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Description" :widths: 10, 100 "``authentication.permits``", "Time needed by the permissions backend to allow or reject a request" "``view.hello.GET``", "Time needed to return the hello view" "``view.heartbeat.GET``", "Time needed to return the heartbeat page" "``view.batch.POST``", "Time needed to process a batch request" "``view.{resource}-{type}.{method}``", "Time needed to process the specified *{method}* on a *{resource}* (e.g. bucket, collection or record). Different timers exists for the different type of resources (record or collection)" "``cache.{method}``", "Time needed to execute a method of the cache backend. Methods are ``ping``, ``ttl``, ``expire``, ``set``, ``get`` and ``delete``" "``storage.{method}``", "Time needed to execute a method of the storage backend. Methods are ``ping``, ``collection_timestamp``, ``create``, ``get``, ``update``, ``delete``, ``delete_all``, ``get_all``" "``permission.{method}``", "Time needed to execute a method of the permission backend. Methods are ``add_user_principal``, ``remove_user_principal``, ``get_user_principals``, ``add_principal_to_ace``, ``remove_principal_from_ace``, ``get_object_permission_principals``, ``check_permission``" JSON Logging ------------ At Mozilla, applications' log files follow a specific JSON schema, that is processed through `Kibana `_ or `Heka `_. With the following configuration, all logs are structured in JSON and redirected to standard output (See `12factor app `_). .. note:: You must install the ``mozilla-cloud-services-logger`` package. .. code-block:: ini [loggers] keys = root [handlers] keys = console [formatters] keys = generic, json [logger_root] level = INFO handlers = console [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stdout,) level = NOTSET formatter = json [formatter_json] class = kinto.core.JsonLogFormatter [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %H:%M:%S Run the Kinto application ========================= Using Apache mod wsgi --------------------- This is probably the easiest way to setup a production server. With the following configuration for the site, Apache should be able to run the Kinto application: :: WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/kinto/app.wsgi WSGIPythonPath /path/to/kinto SetEnv KINTO_INI /path/to/kinto.ini Require all granted Using nginx ----------- nginx can act as a *reverse proxy* in front of `uWSGI `_ (or any other wsgi server like `Gunicorn `_ or `Circus `_). Download the ``uwsgi_params`` file: :: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nginx/nginx/master/conf/uwsgi_params Configure nginx to listen to a uwsgi running: :: upstream kinto { server unix:///var/uwsgi/kinto.sock; } server { listen 8000; server_name .my-kinto.org; # substitute your machine's IP address or FQDN charset utf-8; # max upload size client_max_body_size 75M; # adjust to taste location / { uwsgi_pass kinto; include /path/to/uwsgi_params; # the uwsgi_params file previously downloaded } } It is also wise to restrict the private URLs (like for ``__heartbeat__``): :: location ~ /v1/__(.+)__ { allow; allow; deny all; } Running with uWSGI ------------------ :: pip install uwsgi To run the application using uWSGI, an **app.wsgi** file must be picked up. It is available in the *Kinto* Python package or can be downloaded from GitHub:: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kinto/kinto/master/app.wsgi uWSGI can be configured from the main ``.ini`` file. Just run it with:: uwsgi --ini config/kinto.ini uWSGI configuration can be tweaked in the ini file in the dedicated ``[uwsgi]`` section. Here's an example, where ``app.wsgi`` is in the current folder, a ``.venv`` folder contains the installed app and ``/var/uwsgi`` is writable for the ``kinto`` user: .. code-block :: ini :emphasize-lines: 2-6 [uwsgi] wsgi-file = app.wsgi virtualenv = .venv socket = /var/uwsgi/kinto.sock uid = kinto gid = kinto enable-threads = true chmod-socket = 666 processes = 3 master = true module = kinto harakiri = 120 lazy = true lazy-apps = true single-interpreter = true buffer-size = 65535 post-buffering = 65535 plugin = python To use a different ini file, the ``KINTO_INI`` environment variable should be present with a path to it. .. _production-cache-server: Nginx as cache server --------------------- If *Nginx* is used as a reverse proxy, it can also `act as a cache server `_ by taking advantage of *Kinto* optional cache control response headers (forced :ref:`in settings ` or set :ref:`on collections `). The sample *Nginx* configuration file shown above will look like so: .. code-block:: none :emphasize-lines: 1,2,8 proxy_cache_path /tmp/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=my_zone:100m inactive=200m; proxy_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri$"; server { ... location / { proxy_cache my_zone; uwsgi_pass kinto; include /path/to/uwsgi_params; # the uwsgi_params file previously downloaded } } Upgrading Kinto =============== .. important:: We follow `semver `_ for version numbers. Before upgrading, read the release notes about potential breaking changes. See also ref:`API versioning `. First, make the potential changes to the configuration file, as described in the release notes. If installed as Python package, make sure the virtualenv is activated: :: source env/bin/activate Now upgrade Kinto (and its dependencies) using the following command: :: pip install --upgrade kinto Since there might be some database schema changes, do not forget to run the migration with: :: kinto migrate Once done, restart the server. For example, with uwsgi: :: killall -HUP uwsgi Using backoff ------------- The :ref:`backoff feature ` of the HTTP API allows to reduce the hits of clients during a period of time. In order to leverage this, change the ``kinto.backoff`` setting to a number of seconds (e.g. 3600) and reload/restart the server some time before starting the upgrade process. Do not forget to revert it once the upgrade is done ;)